AquaRain Gravity Water Filter Review

By About Chef Austin Chef Austin

Aqua Rain Natural Gravity Water Filter System

Is your water filter rated to remove dangerous contaminants like e. coli bacteria, Cryptosporidium causing cyst, or even pesticides? That small pitcher filter you're constantly filling may not be keeping you safe and is only making your water taste good. If you're looking to have clean, safe, and better-tasting drinking water for you and the family, a gravity water filter from Aqua Rain is a great choice. Contaminants from aging city water infrastructures, bacteria, cyst, and viruses can compromise the quality of your water - AquaRain is the natural gravity water that can keep your water safe from these dangerous materials.


AquaRain 303 Gravity Water Filter


Aqua Rain Natural Gravity Water Filters

Shop Aqua Rain Water Filters

Quick Specs: 3 Gallon Water Capacity | Filters 0.5 gallons per hour | Filter lifespan is up to 10,000 gallons | Made in the USA

How does the Aqua Rain 303 Gravity Water Filter work? 
The AquaRain 303 gravity water filter is a water purification method that removes contaminants through a patented ceramic filter. The gravity water filter is made of two stacked tanks, the top for purifying water and the bottom for collection. 
You simply fill the top tank with unfiltered water then gravity pulls the water downward and through the filters and drips into the collection tank. A spigot is on the bottom tank for easy dispensing

AquaRain 303 Top Features:

  • Highest Quality Ceramic Filter -  Patented filtering technology is unmatched in terms of quality, longevity, and contaminant filtering power. Each water filter is made in a computer controlled kiln and individually tested. Filters can last for years
  • Eco-Friendly- Uses no electricity. Aqua Rain mimics the Earth's natural water purification process
  • Safe Water For Entire Filter Lifespan - The only filters that have been lab tested with fully expended filters (ready for disposal) and STILL passed USEPA standards. 
  • Better Tasting Water - Bad tasting water means bad tasting food and drinks. Clean tasting water from Aqua Rain is perfect for cooking and drinking.
  • Emergency Situations - Aqua Rain can handle extreme situations where clean water isn't available - Aqua Rain can filter water from untreated sources without electricity. Turn tap water, rainwater, and even groundwater into clean, potable water.
  • Filter up to 10,000 Gallons - The AquaRain 303 can potentially last from 6-13+ years on a single set of filters with typical water sources.
  • Know When to Replace - Aqua Rain is the only gravity water filter with an end-of-life gauge to tell you the ceramic filters are used up and are ready to be replaced.
  • Made in the USA - Every part of the Aqua Rain - the medical grade stainless steel, the water spigot, and the ceramic filters - are all produced in the USA.


Why Would I Want an Aqua Rain Gravity Water Filter?


There are many reasons an AquaRain gravity water filter is a great tool to have in your household. 

Safer water - One of the best advantages to a gravity water filter is the removal of bacteria and cyst that may be present in your water. These live organisms can cause dysentery, cholera and typhoid fever; with a powerful and reliable gravity water filter like Aqua Rain, these microorganisms can be filtered out.

Better than just carbon filters - Upgrade from that small pitcher you're continually refilling that is supposedly making "purified" water. Small carbon filters are not filtering out bacteria, cyst. Aqua Rain's patented ceramic filter has passed USEPA standards to remove bacteria & cyst. 

No electricity required - Gravity water filters do not require any boiling of water or electricity to filter and purify water. This makes the Aqua Rain gravity water filter perfect for where electricity is limited like when camping or RV living, tiny homes, and even in emergency situations.

Reduce bottled water usage - If you're buying bottled water, chances are it's because of your water at home doesn't taste good. Save money with an Aqua Rain gravity water filter to get you great tasting water that you can use with a refillable water bottle.

Better tasting water - Most city water has many chemicals like chlorine to make water safer but causes poor taste. Aqua Rain's high-quality ceramic filter filled with silvered, granulated activated carbon (GAC) make the water taste better. Bad tasting water leads to bad tasting food. Non-chlorinated water is essential for fermented foods and makes foods like coffee, tea, and boiled pasta taste much better compared to straight tap water.  

Emergency situations - If you're in a situation where potable water or electricity is not available, the AquaRain can be used to filter raw water from a lake, stream, water from a toilet tank, and even flood water. No electricity is required for gravity water filters!

See how the Aqua Rain 303 gravity water filter compares the Berkey, ProPur, and Brita water filters in our full Aqua Rain vs Berkey and Other Water Filters article here.


Aqua Rain - Made in the USA


From the metal housing down to the spigot, AquaRain gravity water filters are made in the USA. The metal of the AquaRain 303 housing is made from #T304 22 Gauge medical grade stainless steel and is produced in Wisconsin at a facility specializing in products for the medical industry. The plastic spigot is also made in the USA. Other competitors like the Berkey water filter can't claim to be made in the USA. Unlike Berkey, Aqua Rain will tell proudly let you know all the materials used to manufacture its ceramic filters.

AquaRain Ceramic Filter Construction

The ceramic elements are made from American sourced diatomaceous earth that is fired in small computer-controlled kilns. This small batch process allows complete and accurate control of the porosity of the finished product. These ceramic shells are then filled with pure coconut shell carbon that has been proven to have superior performance over the bituminous coal-based carbon. The AquaRain system incorporates a small amount of metallic silver with its carbon filter beds to inhibit bacteria growth within the damp environment. The AquaRain's ceramic elements are by far the most consistent, high-performance ceramic filters available.

Aqua Rain Water Filter Test Results


What does Aqua Rain gravity water filter remove from my water?

AquaRain Water Filter Review

Many water filters will say that they can reduce contaminants in your water. This language can be deceptive because any company can make claims to reduce something even if it's reduced by a very small percentage. AquaRain ceramic filters remove at least 99.9% of the three main biological organisms that cause illnesses. Those organisms are Cyst, Bacteria, and Viruses. Even the smallest organisms smaller than 0.1 microns have been shown be removed by the Aqua Rain at the end of the filter's life*.

*End-of-life Filter Testing*

When water filters are tested by labs, the filter company will send in a brand new filter for testing. Aqua Rain is the only gravity water filter company to have their test filters scrubbed down 10% below their End Of Life tolerance (fully expended filters, ready for disposal) and exposed to contaminated water before laboratory testing to demonstrate the safety and reliability of the AquaRain filter. This is to show that through the entire lifespan (6-10+ years) of each filter that the Aqua Rain will continue to keep your water safe from cysts, bacteria, and viruses. 

Here is a chart showing what the gravity water filter Aqua Rain removes when a new filter is installed and an end of life filter is installed:

AquaRain Water Filter Contaminant Removal Chart

See AquaRain's Full Test Result  HERE and HERE

In every case, end-of-life AquaRain ceramic elements surpassed the stringent EPA standards for a bacteria and cyst purifier. Aqua Rain will also remove other organic contaminants, metals, and chemicals that can affect the safety and taste of your water.


How does the ceramic filter remove contaminants?

Aqua Rain Gravity Water Filters Inside

Observe how thick the ceramic walls are on the Aqua Rain filter. The silvered, granulated activated carbon is sourced from coconuts instead of cheaper coal sources.

The AquaRain system filters water in a very natural way. The force of gravity gently draws water down through ceramic stone, much the same manner as nature processes ground water through the earth. The microfine pore structure of the AquaRain ceramic filters will remove dangerous organisms such as protozoan cysts like Cryptosporidium and Giardia lamblia and microscopic bacteria like E. coli and Salmonella. These organisms are trapped because the ceramic is made from diatomaceous earth - this material creates a tortuous path that micro-organisms cannot travel through.

Enclosed within the ceramic shell is a concentrated bed of Granulated Activated Carbon (GAC) formed from a nutshell source. The GAC also is paired with self-sterilizing metallic silver. The high performance silvered GAC bed will adsorb various organic chemicals such as MTBE and pesticides, remove chlorine compounds including carcinogenic halogens, and improve the taste and odor of the water. AquaRain is pro-mineral, the gravity water filter will leave in the naturally occurring electrolytes and minerals found in your water.


Ceramic Filter Lifespan


How many gallons of water can the Aqua Rain 303 filter?

The amount of water you'll be able to filter is dependent on the water source you are using. The Aqua Rain 303 Gravity Water Filter (which has 3 ceramic filters) is rated to filter up to 10,000 gallons of water from a typical household water source. Ceramic elements on competing gravity water filters may say to replace after 6 months of use, while on Aqua Rain filters, there is no time limiting their lifespan.

The Aqua Rain 303 can filter approximately 10,000 gallons of water from a typical household water source before the elements need to be replaced. If a family of four uses between 2 to 4 gallons of water a day, then that set of 3 filters will last between 6 to 13+ years when used with a typical household water source and with proper cleaning.


How often do I need to clean or maintain my gravity water filter? 

Having clean water shouldn't be a nuisance to take care of. Some gravity water filters require priming and re-priming of their filters and some require special storage of the filters if it is not going to be used for long periods of time. Research the cleaning process for the gravity water filter you are considering. Some can only be cleaned so many times, some even require you to peel (with a vegetable peeler) layers of the filter off to clean it properly. 

The Aqua Rain water purifier filters only need to be cleaned every 4-12 months depending on your water source. You know it's time to clean when the flow of your water is starting to slow down. This means contaminants are clogging the outer most layer of the ceramic. Simply use the included green scrub pad to gently brush the filters while running it under water/ The ceramic filters can take up to 200 cleanings if moderate care is taken and light pressure is used with the included green scrub pad. For the stainless steel housing, simply wash with some mild dish soap and water. 

How do I know when it's time to replace my filters?

Aqua Rain End of Life Gauge 

Aqua Rain is the only gravity water filter to include an end-of-life gauge to tell you exactly when the ceramic filter is used so you can order replacements. With this tool, there is no guessing or counting gallons of water to try and figure out if your filter is still properly working. When cleaning your filters, you are scrubbing small amounts of clogged ceramic off, making the walls thinner. After cleaning, check the filter with end-of-life gauge. When you can fit the end-of-life gauge over the ceramic filter, you know its time to replace it. 

The inner carbon filter works by adsorbing and/or reducing certain chemicals and has a finite lifetime based on the concentration of the compounds being reduced. Generally speaking, the carbon capacity should exceed the life of the ceramic portion of the filter when processing water from most water sources. If you are worried, annual replacement of filters should guarantee sufficient carbon capacity for maximum protection. Please note that should the carbon become exhausted, the water filters are still fully effective for the removal of protozoic cysts and harmful bacteria, provided that the remaining ceramic wall thickness still passes the end of life gauge test. A typical indication that your carbon may be used up is if you start to taste chlorine (if your municipal water source adds chlorine to its water). 


AquaRain FAQ


Already have a Gravity Water Filter like Berkey Or Propur water filters?

If you already own a gravity water filter like a Berkey water filter or Propur but don't want to drop the money to upgrade to an Aqua Rain? The powerful and long-lasting ceramic filters made by Aqua Rain will actually fit the Propur and Berkey gravity water filter system. Simply purchase as many filters as you need for your Berkey (or other) system and install them into your unit. If you are curious if your gravity water filter is compatible, you can contact Aqua Rain directly at 1-800-572-2051 or by email [email protected]


What if I have a known water problem?

Always be safe. If you know for sure that you have issues with e. coli, heavy metals, or other high concentrations of contaminants in your water supply, any gravity water filter, no matter how good, is not the correct solution. Don't put a band-aid on a bullet wound. Call a water expert to find a permanent solution to your water issue. 


Still have questions about Aqua Rain? 

Let us know any questions you have about AquaRain, we'll be happy to help you with your concerns. You can reach out to us through email [email protected] at or by phone at 866.852.4268


See how the Aqua Rain 303 gravity water filter compares the Berkey, ProPur, and Brita water filters in our full Aqua Rain vs Berkey and Other Water Filters article here.

 Chef Austin's Final Thoughts

I love the Aqua Rain because it's perfect for cooking. Subpar tasting tap water makes subpar tasting food, and this especially translates when you're making water-based foods. Drinks like brewed tea and coffee suffer from poor tasting water. Even when you're making a flavored simple syrup or batch of pasta - these foods really take on the flavors of your water. That's where Aqua Rain shines - it makes large quantities of clean tasting water and also gives me the peace of mind that my water is safe to drink as well. I've personally go to handle the competition's filters and Aqua Rain's feel much sturdier and are rated to last longer, and lab tests prove that they'll continue to protect throughout the entire lifespan of the filters.  


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About the Author: 

Chef Austin Merath is Everything Kitchen's Culinary Wizard, Kitchen-Gadget Reviewer, and New-Product Tester. He studied under chefs in College of the Ozarks' Culinary Program. It's his job to make sure you choose the kitchen tools that are right for you by testing the best we have to offer. When not cooking, Austin is tinkering with computers or exploring the Ozarks with his wife Amy. Click here for his full bio.

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